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Eruisaku Foundation is all about love and commitment in not only planting a seed of hope in a young life but being active in the process of creating a bright future to a child once abandoned thereby helping create a more safe society.

Become a driving force in the life a less privileged child

A backbone to the abandoned

Eruisaku is a non-profit charity foundation dedicated to providing support to the orphaned, homeless, disabled and out-of-school children in Nigeria. Eruisaku is more than an orphanage home, the foundation is focused on not only providing shelter but also education to the less privileged children. Eruisaku is founded in Austria and Germany as a non-profit organization but the orphanage home and school will operate in Africa, starting with Nigeria.

Donations to our organization are tax deductible (Finanzamt Ulm, Germany: Tax number 88041/79201)

Account Name: Eruisaku Stiftung für Waisen und Bildung e.V.

IBAN:  AT87 3747 5000 0019 5891

Bank:  Raiffeisenbank Vorderland


Home: Welcome

Our mission

Imagine a world where there are no homeless children, a world where a child is not afraid to face the next rising sun, a world where a child is simply a child and does not have to hawk on the streets to survive, a world where every single child is educated...


This is the mission of Eruisaku 


Making A Difference



One step at a time

With the street kids.png

Love and Care

We are one big family

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Accommodation and Welfare

Providing sense of belonging

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